Get Involved

Be part of the conversation

Share your thoughts and opinions. Most topics are open for anyone to contribute. Sign Up and be part of the conversation. We’d love to hear from you.

Check out the projects we’re considering and let us know what you think.

Participate in a committee

Browse the neighborhood committees and join any you’re interested in. This will facilitate communication between those groups and allow us to notify everyone in the committee when related projects are proposed.

Join the neighborhood association

Support the neighborhood association by becoming a paying member. We’re a group of volunteers interested in helping the neighborhood. Your support makes that possible.

Joining the neighborhood association gives you voting privileges on priorities set by the association. This may include beautification projects for the neighborhood, website development needs, funding events/activities, speaking with a common voice, charitable activities, run for office, chair a committee, electing board members, etc. Membership is set up to help execute the interests of those in the association. One vote per household, whether owner or occupant, is allowed.

Follow this link for more about the Neighborhood Association.

Membership is $20 per year.

Pay with Venmo
Scan the QR code or visit the link.

Join by mail
Follow the instructions on the attached membership application.

2023 SHNA Membership Application.pdf (576.8 KB)

Thank you for considering membership in the neighborhood association. We volunteer our time but we still need your support for our neighborhood projects and events. Your dues make it all possible! Thank you! :slight_smile:


For consideration, made a few more tweaks to membership application.

Mention our mission statement and that we are not an HOA. Also tried to stress need for creating user account.

[2022 SHNA Membership Application (4).pdf](file:///C:/Users/Bradley/Downloads/2022%20SHNA%20Membership%20Application%20(4).pdf)

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