MEMBERSHIP-Stonegate, Homestead, Woodlands, Homestead Estates Neighborhood Association


Dear Stonegate Area Residents,

Several members of the association have renewed their memberships for calendar year 2023. At the beginning of the calendar year, we elected new officers and added a new board member. It is hard to believe we have been organized for over three years!

We are still growing and doing more than ever for our neighborhood. Your continued support helps to make positive changes. Here are a few links as reminders:

Accomplishments & Future Efforts - Neighborhood - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

Flyer of Accomplishments with Pics.pdf (1.3 MB)

Hope you consider joining for the first time or renewing your membership by simply visiting:
Get Involved - Site Content - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

For an overview of the association please visit our home page: Stonegate Homestead Woodlands - Neighborhood news and events ( Our mission is at the top.

Quick update:
A major project this year is the rehabilitation of the tennis courts. By providing input to Parks they will now be a multi-use court for pickleball and tennis! Come check out the sunsets at the park as well.

There is strength in numbers and by channeling our efforts we can make a difference.

Thanks again.
Board Member

trying to find where i can pay dues
catherine permin 444 quail run

| bseldridge
May 11 |

  • | - |



Dear Stonegate Area Residents,

Several members of the association have renewed their memberships for calendar year 2023. At the beginning of the calendar year, we elected new officers and added a new board member. It is hard to believe we have been organized for over three years!

We are still growing and doing more than ever for our neighborhood. Your continued support helps to make positive changes. Here are a few links as reminders:

Accomplishments & Future Efforts - Neighborhood - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

Flyer of Accomplishments with Pics.pdf (1.3 MB)

Hope you consider joining for the first time or renewing your membership by simply visiting:
Get Involved - Site Content - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

For an overview of the association please visit our home page: Stonegate Homestead Woodlands - Neighborhood news and events ( Our mission is at the top.

Quick update:
A major project this year is the rehabilitation of the tennis courts. By providing input to Parks they will now be a multi-use court for pickleball and tennis! Come check out the sunsets at the park as well.

There is strength in numbers and by channeling our efforts we can make a difference.

Thanks again.
Board Member

Hi Catherine.

It looks like you paid $75 on 12/14/22 so you should be good.

Jerry Mueller is our new treasurer. He lives at 513 Mallard Park. He has now set up a PO Box for our neighborhood association and it is shown on the membership form. Here is the web address to access membership, the form, and related items: Get Involved - Site Content - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

Here is the PDF of membership form:
2023 SHNA Membership Application.pdf (576.8 KB)

Thank you for being a member. We just received a grant so will have more plantings this year and continue to have events at the park.


For those wanting to sign up by mail, here is the file for the 2023 SHNA Membership form:
2023 SHNA Membership Application.pdf (576.8 KB)

Thanks again!

Hi Brad,
I’m a bit new to the SNHA and paid dues sometime last autumn, not sure when. Are dues renewed after a year or yearly in May? I’m trying to figure if I owe or not. Thanks bunches for your help.

Hi Pam.

Very good question. When the association first started collecting dues, we were in the middle of a calendar year. With COVID the board also decided that dues would be good for 1.5 years. We are finally settling in with annual dues per calendar year.

Looks like you paid 12/15/22 so are good for 2023!

Thank you so much for your interest and support.


ps. Our new Treasurer is Jerry Mueller who has lived in Stonegate for over 30 years.

Thank you, Brad. I’ll set up a reminder so that I can remember.

Thank you