General Membership Meeting and Ice Cream Social

Please mark your calendars.

After forming three years ago, the Stonegate-Homestead Neighborhood Association is having the first Annual Meeting including an ice cream social.

Get to know your neighbors and see what the SHNA is doing while enjoying refreshments.

Will also have quick vote on our newly tweaked Bylaws, so a quorum is needed. More details will be shared within the next few weeks.

Layout of meeting is informal and will provide:
-Vote on bylaws by members of SHNA.
-Information table about SHNA
-Pictures of projects, events, and accomplishments
-One on one Interaction with board members
-Formed groups to learn about and to possibly participate in
-Question/answers and share ideas.

Looking forward to meeting everyone

Brad Eldridge
SHNA President

I would like a name and mailing address to send a membership payment.


Thank you Rosemary! This reminds SHNA to update our membership form for 2023.

Address of Treasurer:
Sheila Hollin
441 Quail Run
Versailles, KY 40383

Cash or make check payable to: Stonegate/Homestead Neighborhood Association LLC

Can also pay online by going to website link below and then click on Join Online:

Get Involved - Site Content - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

Thanks again Rosemary and hope to see you at our Membership Meeting on September 27th.


Dear SNHA members,

Please see notification about our upcoming meeting.

Should receive letter in the mail within the next few days.

Can you send me a copy via e-mail of the By-Laws, etc. before the meeting so that I can review them?


Rosemary Johnson

Thank you for the reminder Rosemary! Will send you and the members the draft within the next few days.

Basic changes are how board members are added and to allow virtual/remote meetings and voting.


This is a reminder of our upcoming SHNA General Meeting. Below is a copy of the letter members should have received.

SHNA General Meeting and Ice Cream Social
Date: September 27, 2022
Time: 6:30-7:30 PM

Location: Life Center @ First Christian Church 160 Lexington Street

Dear Stonegate-Homestead Association Member,

Thank you so much for being a member of the SHNA. Your interest and efforts help to make our community better and stronger. A lot has happened since our formation three years ago and we are now eagerly looking forward to our first general meeting and ice cream social.

This meeting will include an in person vote on our updated bylaws. Revisions were needed to better define how board members are added and to provide an ability for virtual meetings with voting. A quorum is needed to vote on changes to the new bylaws so please plan to attend.

Here is a link to the draft of bylaws: Stonegate-Homestead Bylaws - proposed revisions Sept 25 22.pdf (253.5 KB) Will be glad to answer any questions before the meeting. Copies will be available at the meeting for a quick review as well.

We will also be having ice cream while getting to know members and to see what the SHNA has done and is doing.

I highly encourage all members to easily sign up to our website at: to receive notifications and learn more about your SHNA.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the September 27th.

Your SHNA President

Brad Eldridge

Good afternoon Brad,

We haven’t met but I’m very happy to be a member of SHNA and think you all do a wonderful job for our neighborhood. There’s one meeting I finally made and it was a planning meeting but seems like the upcoming meeting is one I’ll also miss. I read the by-laws and am no professional but they look fine to me. There was one item that might be better written, it’s in Article V: Board of Directors. It appears that a person could wake up one morning and find themselves on the Board of Directors having been nominated and elected…… perhaps without their knowledge? No idea how to rewrite that article but thought I’d mention it.

I look very forward to meeting everyone at some point and am so sorry that I’ll miss this meeting at the church. Perhaps I’ll meet more at Halloween, I’ve signed up to help with that event.

With kindest regards,

Pam Noyes

Sorry will miss you Pam.

Thank you for reponse to bylaws. This is a good point. WILL take another look at them to tweak the wording.

Hope to see you at Halloween.



Just wanted to see if you received this notification? Should have received hard copy in the mail as well.
Trying to make sure that we have enough for quorum.



JR, just wanted to see if you can make tomorrow night’s general membership meeting? Should have received a letter in the mail about it. Trying to make sure that we have a quorum to vote on bylaws.



I can provide you several pictures on flash drive for tomorrow night if you like.

Sheila and I plan to be at church at 5:30.

Hi Brad, I did receive via email but will not be able to attend due to a scheduled conflict (Parent/Teacher meeting tonight in midway)

Let me know how else I can support if necessary.


No worries Daniel. Wanted to make sure members received notification.

Hopefully our updated bylaws will get passed. Will better define how we add board members and provide for remote/virtual meetings and voting. Trying to get into the 21st century :slight_smile:

Seeking to add board members for before the end of the year. Also, our officers will change starting in 2023 since our three year terms are up. Do think a couple of officers will swap.



Was checking to see if either of you are coming to General Membership meeting tonight to vote on bylaws. Trying to make sure that we have a quorum to vote.



Wanted to thank everyone for coming out to our first in-person SHNA meeting. Your attendance shows the support and interest for improving our neighborhood.

Through eating plenty of ice cream and cookies we were able to pass the revised bylaws :slight_smile: The changes better define how board members are added and provides the ability for virtual meetings and voting.

We are continuing to grow as a community and our strength comes from our members.

Again, thank you for your support.


Hi Brad, guess who? lol

I noticed on the Facebook Page that there is no link to the website that I
could find.

It would be helpful to connect all of them to reach all members with the
same communication.

Thanks for all your work.


Hi Rosemary :slight_smile:

That you for noticing about the link or lack of.

Let me check with Linda. There may be a way to put the link to easily see on the FB homepage.

Was nice seeing you last night.


Goodmorning Linda,

Rosemary had a good comment about making a reference to our website on the Facebook page. I do see the link in the “About” section but have to scroll down to see it.

Could make a brief reference in red to guide people to the website. For example, in the about section may have:

For more detailed information on SHNA please see our website:
SHNA website:
Contact us:

Can “sign up/login” in top right corner of SHNA homepage to receive notifications
and communications. Can also join SHNA online by clicking on the
yellow “Get Involved” box on the homepage

Good idea, Brad. I’m not sure if I know how to do that. Can you walk me through it, or just do it yourself. I’m not the best at doing those kind of things. I’ll try, but I’m just not sure how to do it. Most of the time I fly by the seat of my pants on everything I do with Facebook. But I’m always willing to try new things, and I know most things aren’t that difficult, but I just don’t even know for sure where to go to do this. I will kindly except any guidance from you that you have to offer. Thanks so much for the suggestions, which were passed on from Rosemary, but nevertheless… Good ideas!

Kindest Regards,
Linda Roscoe