SHNA Membership for 2023


Dear Neighbors of the Stonegate Area,

Within the next few days you will receive a letter from the Stonegate Homestead Neighborhood Association, SHNA, asking you to join or to renew your membership for 2023.

Please take a look and consider. Our membership has grown tremendously over the last year and your continued support helps to achieve our mission. We volunteer our time to have projects and events that benefit the neighborhood. The mailer that you will receive lists various projects, events, and activities that have been hosted by the SHNA.

We have had projects like improving the entrance with a lit sign and landscaping, decorations for the holidays, placing flags along Quail Run, more landscaping and a Christmas tree in the island near Quail Run and Kuhlman Drive, clearing the old railroad bed in the park so we can view Lanes End Farm and sunsets, refurbishing the entrance signs into Homestead plus adding solar lighting, etc.

We have had numerous events at the park like Halloween, Easter egg hunt, Fourth of July parade, movie night, and many others during the “Neighborhood Summer Fun” events.

(We have several teams/groups for those wanting to participate and more are being organized. Volunteering of your time can be customized according to availability.)

Your membership helps to make all of the above possible and brings us together as a community.

Flyer of Accomplishments with Pics.pdf (1.3 MB)

Thank you for your interest and support.

Brad Eldridge, President of SHNA


Dear Stonegate-Homestead Association Members,

Wanted to personally thank you for your support for 2022. This is a quick reminder for renewing membership for 2023. After the mailing from a few weeks ago, several neighbors are continuing their membership and new neighbors have joined as well.

Renewing is easy either by returning the form you received in the mail or by simply going to this link on our website: Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

Please consider renewing your membership for 2023.

Thanks again.

@sheilahollin @cgdavis1955

Dear Member of SHNA,

Several members have renewed their memberships for 2023. At of our last board meeting, we elected new officers and added two board members. We are still growing and doing more for our neighborhood. Your continued support helps to make positive changes. Here are a few links as reminders:
Accomplishments & Future Efforts - Neighborhood - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (
Flyer of Accomplishments with Pics.pdf (1.3 MB)
Get Involved - Site Content - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

A major project this year is the rehabilitation of the tennis courts. We are working with Parks to consider a multi-use court like pickleball/tennis. There is strength in numbers and by speaking with a common voice we can have influence.

Hope you consider renewing your membership. It is easy by either returning the form you received in the mail a few months ago or by simply going to this link on our website: Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

Here is a link to the form as well:

Thanks again.

I put some applications for membership in the info box at the pavilion. We may want to mention that application for membership are there if they lost their forms. They can drop them off at my house if they would like…put behind my storm door.

Will be renewing, thanks.

Thank you JR.