Beautification Group Meeting



Beautification Meeting


Date: June 8, 2021

Time: 2 PM

Location: Connie’s House (205 Falcon Drive)

Discuss content for beautification grant for landscaping and lighting entrance. Provided is a PDF of grant application for Stonegate Entrance sign. I will send Word Document to personal emails and bring hard copies to meeting for manual editing.

Example Grant Application.pdf (680.1 KB)

**Let me know if you would like to be removed from beautification group. Can still be informed on what this group is doing on the website. **

Please RVSP if attending by checking “going” on this notification.

Thanks and hope to see you tomorrow.

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Good news! Lori Garkovich emailed and said there should still be money available for the small grant ($250). This money would be helpful going towards the plantings and lighting that was discussed last Tuesday.

Here is a PDF of grant application:

Revise CONA NA Grant Application.pdf (240.7 KB)

For the larger grant, she said we could work through a 501c3 organization (church, another non-profit, etc.) to act as our fiscal agent. Sounds like this is still possible.

Here is the website for the bigger grant(s):
Woodford County - Blue Grass Community Foundation (

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I seem to recall Lori saying CONA or some related entity could be our agent. That came up when the board was originally organizing and Lori and her associates were helping us. Does anyone else remember that?

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