Woodford Sun Interview about New Christmas Tree


The Woodford Sun will be at Kuhlman Loop to take pictures of Christmas tree for upcoming article.

Please see date and time of event.

Everyone is welcome!

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Time for this event has been moved up 15 minutes to start at 5 pm.

Had good turn out for upcoming Woodford Sun article! Had a couple of thoughtful surprises too.


Bob Vlach with the Woodford Sun is publishing an article about the Christmas tree in Kuhlman Loop.

He would like to have the names for those on the left side of the tree. He already has the names on the right side which consisted of the SHNA board and Barbra Fulton.

Uploaded a picture if anyone knows the names on the left side of the tree. Guessing he will need the names within the next two days so he can publish article. Please try to identify persons in some way like clothing. Thank you.

Far left - Daniel Pollis and son Gabriel Pollis