Veteran's Day Flags


Planning to place flags Wednesday morning at 9 am and pick up Friday morning at 9 am.

Can RSVP to this event.


I get out of exercise at 9:30. If you are still working will help. Sheila

Can bump time to 10 am for placing flags if that helps.


Been trying to edit event time and date for flags.

Moved placing flags to 10 am on Wednesday. This works better if 4 people can help.

Kept removing flags at 9 am on Friday.


I can help at noon. I have two morning appointments.


Let’s reschedule to noon. Right now we have Jerry, Sheila, and Brad.


Along with putting the flags out today at noon, rescheduled to pick the flags up at noon on Friday.

And me. I marked "going’. My exercise for the day. The one the I walked…