Tent Membership Drive at Entrance

Below is a PDF of the staffing schedule for tent membership drive at the entrance.

September 25 Tent Membership Drive Schedule.pdf (503.8 KB)

Feel free to reply for preferred times. Will fill in times and repost schedule.

Will be handing out advertisement flyers for October 10th Meet & Greet at park. Will also be accepting memberships for 2022. Will continue membership at $20/calendar year.



Feel free to reply for preferred times for tent membership drive at entrance on the 25th.

Steve and Connie have already volunteered for 1-2 pm.

Can add scheduled times as to list as they arrive.

Linda and Sheila signing up for 10 to 12.

Are we ready? Anything I need to do?


Please see the newest PDF of the tent membership drive schedule. Right now there is some overlap. I am flexible so can reschedule my time if need.

We do need permission again from property owner to set up tent.

Jeff is going to print out a few flyers to announce the Meet & Greet. I will post to neighbors about tent event and will ask for volunteers at tent as well.

Here is a quick todo list created by Jeff using google docs

Draft ToDo List

Will send this by email too.

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I had to change Steve and my time from 1:00-2:00 to 11:00-12:00 a week ago. We have our granddaughter Saturday. Now we are overlapping with you and Linda.

I’m just going to let this schedule get filled up before I make anymore changes. It may be that I just can’t help.

No worries Connie. I think the schedule will work out. This is just a draft to get started.

Will keep you at 11-12.

Are we signing up for 1or 2 times to work the tent?

Trying to schedule each person for two hours.

Jerry is not sur if he is going to make it since he has an eye procedure on Friday. Depends how it goes.

Waiting on reply from Lonnie.

I don’t know. It’s been rather confusing. I’m not sure I’ll even work. Claire is 4. Keeping her out of the road just might be stressful enough to send me to the insane asylum. I’m waiting to see how it shakes out. If I’m needed, then I can do 11:00 or after. She’s not going to sit still very long. I signed up for 1-2 originally. Then, I found out we would have Claire, so I changed it to 11-12. Brad just didn’t communicate that information. There’s enough holes now that it will take double shifts. I’m waiting until later in the week to decide if I am needed. If not, I’ll just stay out of the way.


Please see PDF above for current tent schedule. Will be glad to make tweaks if needed.

I’m sorry I can’t be more help. I’m afraid Claire won’t stay still for long. She’s very energetic. I she likes to decorate and pull weeds. Maybe I’ll put her on weed duty.

No worries Connie. Hopefully weeds will keep her occupied :smiley:

Will update schedule to let everybody know.