Stongate Park Trail and Disc Golf


Richard Pictor, Executive Director of Woodford County Parks, has mapped out a one mile walking trail around the park in Stonegate. This will be mowed lower and signed to designate the trail. Also, he is setting up three disc golf baskets so kids and families can enjoy! Attached is the map showing the walking trail.
StonegateParkTrail_11x17.pdf (4.1 MB)

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This is great news! I love it! Now, I feel like we are getting some of these projects we have planned moving in the right direction. Thanks to Richard Pritchard for helping us make these improvements. Brad, you have done a great job as President of the Stonegate Neighborhood Association! We have all worked so long, and we have all stuck to our board positions despite the difficulties, like having virtual board meetings. Great job everyone! :+1:

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I ditto everything Connie said about you, Brad, and echo my amazement of the news about the trail. What wonderful news it is. I’d also like to take the time to apologize for my absence at our last meeting. I had had my grandson since the Wednesday prior, then his mother and 3 siblings joined us for the weekend and didn’t leave until Monday afternoon. I had been thinking the entire day on Monday that it was Sunday because we had a houseful. When they left, I crashed and burned. I think I realized I missed the meeting by Tuesday evening. In addition, my email has been down for a week and I just started getting my back log by changing my password. I got your email, Brad, which reminded me that I needed to say something about my absence. I was delighted to read the news about the trail. A lot of progress has been made. So nice to see the fruits of your labor. Thanks so much to everyone!:heart:

Thank you Brad, looks great.

“They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?””
‭‭Luke‬ ‭24:32‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Hello Brad,
Kudos to Richard Pictor That’s very nice; thank you… We use the park frequently in the summertime and will enjoy the walking trail.
Are dogs allowed - with pick up bag just in case??


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Thanks to Richard Pictor and crew for cleaning out the brush near the old railroad bed in our neighborhood park! It is looking nicer all the time and the view of Lanes End farm can now be enjoyed.

The Parks and Rec Department has been very helpful. Thanks to Mr. Pictor for being so cooperative and helpful.

Updated pictures from park in Stonegate. Looking to see if Lanes End Farm will partnering with us to clear the fence row so we can see the beautiful horse farm and sunsets! :slight_smile: :grinning: