Stars and Stripes Parade at Park in Stonegate



Here is more information about the upcoming 4th of July parade organized by Tabitha Walker!

"Attention neighbors: I am so excited about our neighborhood parade on July 4th at 10:30 a.m. I’m originally from Louisiana where we had parades for everything. We will have beads, candy and other trinkets for participants in the parade to throw. If you want to be in parade but don’t have decorations then we will have some stuff for you to use. Just wear red, white and blue. I have highlighted the parade route on the picture. If you want to participate in parade please let me know! We encourage our veterans in the neighborhood to wear their uniforms and join us in the parade! We will have a banner for start of parade and could use 2 adults to hold it. Thanks!"

Can also view details on our Facebook site: (2) Stonegate | Homestead | The Woodlands Neighborhood Association | Facebook

Please let Tabitha know if you are attending so she and her group can plan accordingly.

Thanks and hope to see you there!

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Martha used to march at Mardi Gra with her marching band, and she loves the idea! But we are out with her parents and will miss this one.


Message from Tabitha Walker

"If you are able to participate in parade please show up at Stonegate Park at 10:20 a.m. on July 4th to line up. If you need decorations, we will have some. We will also be handing out bags of goodies to throw to the spectators. We will have patriotic kids music playing and both kids and adults are encouraged to sing along and even dance, march, ride or walk in parade if you want. We will love for all veterans to be a part of the parade as well. It will be lots of fun!"