Proposed Walking/Bike Path to US 60


Dear Neighbors,

Our county magistrate, Matt Merrill, asked the neighborhood association to assist in getting support for a proposed walking/bike path from the subdivision entrance to US 60. He wanted to encourage individuals to contact James Kay, County Judge Executive, before his January 5th meeting in support of this project. Below is Mr. Kay’s contact information: (Judge Kay) (the judge’s secretary)

A version of this project is also in the current Woodford County Comprehensive Plan: Chapter IV – Transportation, Section E, Number 8

Pedestrian Link – Big Sink Pike – Stonegate to US 60 ByPass: This concrete sidewalk would provide linkage from Stonegate/Homestead/Woodlands neighborhoods to WYSA to the Versailles Post Office as well as to the employees of More Than a Bakery to the US 60 Bypass.

Matt Merrill had a productive meeting January 5th and received some very good contacts at the state level. He will be meeting with them over the next several weeks.

He said subject project may possibly be phased. One of the costs and and physical obstacles are the rail road tracks which have their own unique challenges. Phasing the project may allow some work to be done while other processes are ongoing.

He plans to keep me updated on the progress. His goal is to have something ready for the budget in June and hopes see construction of some sort in the next fiscal year.

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I am just now seeing this. Would it be beneficial to contact Judge Kay in support of this project?

Sure. Individual and community support definitely helps. It is my understanding Judge Kay is having Matt Merrill develop a couple of options to include in next years fiscal budget by July 1st.

Also, thanks for checking out and using the website. We are always looking ways to improve and communicate with our members.



Dear Neighbors,

Through your input and interest from back in late December/January, the proposed pedestrian link along Big Sink to US-60 is being considered for the next budget cycle. Our county magistrate, Matt Merrill, has asked the neighborhood association to assist in providing more information to the county magistrates and our judge executive, James Kay. This will help in communicating interest, needs for the facility, and prioritization. Here is a quick excerpt from Matt’s email:

"Please encourage as many people in the neighborhoods to write the following Magistrates.

When writing I suggest you include:

I am a citizen of the 3rd district. I would like to see the money ($196,535.00)added to the budget for a sidewalk from Stonegate to the Post Office on Fielding drive. I would also like to see a second phase to carry the sidewalk to the 60 intersection…and then explain how you would use it and why it is important to you."

If you decide to send an email then I would also consider providing answers to questions like-Who are the different users of this facility? How and why it would be used? Why is this project so important above other priorities/projects being budgeted? What are the possible destinations of the users? Is a sidewalk all that is needed? What are your expectations of a successful project? What concerns or needs do you have for this corridor improvement project?

Please consider the above suggestions to help communicate to the officials. By providing details, this project, a portion, or some version my move forward.

Again, please email the magistrates and judge executive directly. The neighborhood association is simply helping to announce this project because we have our website that can reach over 60 neighbors!

Comments will be needed before June 11th when the budget reaches it’s final approval.


Thanks so much for sending this information. A sidewalk would be fantastic! I just sent letters to the magistrates and the judge executive.

Anna Peterson

Great! Believe our neighborhood has a lot of possibilities for ped and bike access to and across US 60. Maybe an 8’ multiuse path along Big Sink from the Stonegate entrance to the Fieldview Drive entrance, a multiuse path connecting Industry Drive to the end of Quail Run/Kuhlman Drive, and/or a multiuse path along the old RR behind Ruggles and the soccer fields. Believe bike paths along Big Sink would be beneficial for avid cyclists going out Big Sink too.

Just wanted to share your enthusiasm Anna :slight_smile: Thanks for the message.


Just received a personal email from honorable James Kay, your county judge executive.

“I am pleased to report that I am working with your Magistrate to include this project in the budget and begin the process to get a Transportation Grant to help with expenses. Your ideas and suggestions are well informed and great.”

You spoke and he listened. Through collective effort great things are possible.

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Very good news!

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That is indeed good news. The neighborhood association just keeps coming up with great ideas. We are making progress…the park is being worked on, events have been offered and more coming, we have an entrance sign, and we are working on landscaping and lighting for the entrance. It’ll be great to have the multi-use path our board has presented to the county.

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Good news, Indeed! Thanks to all who wrote.

Great job! I am excited about all the progress we are making. Great group to work with.


Congratulations to the Stonegate Neighborhood!

By speaking with a common voice and with over 50 letters supporting this project, it has now received a major grant. There is strength in numbers. By working together great things like this can become a reality.

Below is a link to the article in the Woodford Sun announcing the grant:
Woodford Sun Path Grant.pdf (361.0 KB)

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Great work. Guess you are headed for design selection next!

Awesome :slight_smile:

Hard work and persistence finally paid off. Good job SHNA board president, Brad Eldridge, for working on this project to help get it funded. Thanks also to the residents who wrote letters of support for the project. Our neighborhood association is making progress. Things are happening. It’s not easy to get these type projects funded. Kudos to all involved! :clap::clap: