Poll of Areas of Interests & Ideas


Hello Neighbors!

The SHNA is seeking your interests and ideas for the neighborhood. This automated poll is very helpful to automate the summarizing and organizing of interests and ideas.

Please pick up to three interests in the poll.

  • Cheer-welcoming new members, yard of the month, gifts, photos, decoration winners, annual awards, history of neighborhood, membership drives, decorations & plantings for entrances,
  • Beautification-plantings, decorating, trimming trees/bushes, home maintenance, neighborhood park improvements,
  • Grants-park, sidewalk, multi-use paths, tennis court, fund raising,
  • Care & Services- baby siting, leaf raking, lawn moving, pet siting, tutoring, real estate, home maintenance & improvement, helping neighbors in need, charitable activities,
  • Website/communications-maintaining, enhancing, postings, terms of service, logging new members & directory, resource listings, website newsletter, networking, collaborating,
  • Events/activities-garage sale, Easter egg hunt, Turkey Run, cookouts, outdoor movie, swap meet, tailgating at park, community garden, kid’s activities, exercising activities,
  • Education-SHNA website, financing, county extension office, repairs, lawn care,

0 voters

Feel free to reply to this topic to provide more interests and ideas Your input is appreciated and needed to concentrate efforts on common goals.

We look forward to hearing from you! :grinning:

Thank you for your participation

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