New Facebook page

Hello all,
After our Grant meeting yesterday, IA returned home and began working on a Facebook page for our Stonegate-Homestead neighborhood association. I got most of it finished, however there is still some details that need to be added. I need to add some new administrators, along with myself, since I created the page. I also need to find out who, among our board members, are on Facebook. If you are, please send me your Facebook friend request to, or let me know your Facebook info and I will send you a friend request. You must be on Facebook to see the page. I also created a hyperlink that connects people to our website. I know this sounds like I know what I’m doing, however I do not. I am learning as I go, so please bear with me.

Can’t get the option to friend request either Sheila or you. I don’t know why.

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Hi Connie…something may be wrong with your settings. I would look it up and see what you might have to change since neither of us kind find you. I was able to friend Brad, but still can’t find you.