Neighborhood Meeting with Versailles Police Department


This meeting with Versailles Police Department has been rescheduled to July 27th at 6 pm. Will still be held at the park in Stonegate

For now here is link to PD website to learn more:
Police Department - City of Versailles (

The Versailles Police Department has reached out to the Stonegate-Homestead Neighborhood Association.

They will be at the park on Deerfield Drive in the Stonegate subdivision July 27th at 6pm to introduce themselves, explain what they do, and to help answer any concerns residents may have.

Everyone is welcome!

I will be there. thank you Catherine. 444 quail run rd

Okay, I am now lost. US it the 20th or is it the 27th?

Please clarify.

It is the 27th now.

There was a conflict with the Pirate event at the park.

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Just in case that you did not receive the notification, the meeting with the PD has been moved to the 27th. Will be same time of day and location.


Changed it on my calendar.


Here is initial notification of meeting with PD. May have to scroll up or down to see.

Included an RSVP as well.


Linda, would you mind posting this on our FB page?

I plan to post a reminder on our main page and post on Nextdoor’s Stonegate-Homestead group


Here is update to meeting with Versailles Police Department.

Hope to see you!


Reminder that the Versailles PD will be at the park pavilion on Deerfield Drive in the Stonegate Subdivision from 6-7 on Wednesday the 27th.

Come and get to know them and what they do. They will be listening to questions and concerns from Stonegate and the connected subdivisions.

Hope to see your there!

Will be there ! AS I may have started this :slight_smile:


Just confirmed with Versailles PD that they still plan to come out this evening. From the weather radar forecast am hoping the rain stays to the south between 6-7. We can also take advantage of the pavilion. Still may be good to bring rain gear.

Might I suggest you send another @neighbors confirming this plan.

I do not know that I will attend. I’m still mulling over things. I don’t make split decisions, usually. I’ve given a lot of my life to the association. It’s hard to just walk away and cut all ties, but that’s what I do when I walk away from something. I end everything.


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will be there

Special thanks to Versailles PD for coming out the park last night. They provided an informative presentation and entertained concerns and questions from a well-attended group of neighbors.

Chief Mike Murray, Assistant Chief Rob Young, and Detective Matt Mitchell spoke.

Few highlights:
-Can call PD at 859-873-3126 to report issues.
-Option to text 911 for emergencies.
-Encouraged neighbors to attend Citizens Police Academy, CPA. Call for details.
-New PD building has multipurpose room that public can use.
-Camera for reading license plates is coming to neighborhood.
-See Federal Trade Commission website for latest scams.
-Comment made on larceny from autos, LFAs in neighborhood.
-Comment made of speeding and not stopping at stop signs. Will be enforcing
-Comment made of load music after 10 pm. Keep reporting to PD.
-Comment made about cars parking on the street and near intersections being a potential safety issue.
-General discussion about county ordinances. Can view ordinance chapter 92 for residential areas in the county at Welcome to Woodford County - Woodford County, Kentucky Click on ordinances in right margin.

So appreciative of Versailles PD reaching out and taking time to meet with residents of the Stonegate community.

Feel free to comment and reply/add items missed.