Membership Drive Tent at Entrance

@board, Handout cookies, water, flyers, and information.

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Here is the final schedule for the membership drive tent. Sheila did get permission from property owner to set up tent. Hopefully we can sign up some members to the association. Do have 17 people signed up for the website now!

September 12th Membership Drive Schedule.pdf (503.8 KB)

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You did a great job, Brad! Thanks so much for your hard work and time expended doing this.

Does anyone have a laptop we can use for signing up members at the tent this Saturday? I have printed out the forms however it would be handy to sign them up electronically and while they are present. Can show the website too.

I have a laptop. It won’t last all day without recharging. I can bring it for my afternoon shift and hope it stays charged. It’s not a year old, but battery declines quickly.

The weather forecast is 30 percent chance of rain according to Google. WKYT seems pretty sure we will have rain. Keep watching weather.

@board, please remember to have masks and sanitizer for Saturday.

Hopefully the rain will be light or pass :slight_smile: Will reschedule only if absolutely necessary. Timing works well with this week’s Woodford Sun article on our membership drive. Will have copies and post to website

My laptop would make it most of the day. I won’t be able to be there much if at all because of some family in town but I’m fine with someone else having it for the day.

I’m a hesitant on signing users up at the tent. Partially because they won’t be signed in on their laptops when they get home. For anyone that has their browser remember their password it won’t be saved in their browser if we’re signing them up at the tent. I’d lean towards pitching the benefits of the website, what type of communication they can expect via the website, showing them how to sign up if necessary but letting them do that when they get back home.

Good point Jeff. Forgot about the saving of password. Can you bring you laptop to tent Saturday morning? I can also take down if you like.

I can bring it out or drop it off with you Friday evening. I have a spare car battery we could use with an inverter for power as well.

Very good. Will it power a fan too :slight_smile:

The one we were using when getting the sign mounted would. Depending on the size of the fan it might not last all day though.

Okay. Thought may be handy in heat of the afternoon. That inverter is handy. Been looking for one on ebay.

Do we know the article is in this week’s paper?

It is. Picked up some copies. Will let board know when I post on the website.

I have the money box ready.

Very good. Made a box for interests, questions, and suggestions. Have note cards and pens too.

@board, the weather looks like it may cooperate long enough tomorrow so still plan to have membership drive tent. Hopefully we can interest some neighbors to sign up to the association. I plan to help set up at 8:30 so will see some of you then. Good luck tomorrow!

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Great job board for our first membership drive at the entrance!

Some neighbors who filled out paper membership applications will need to be emailed website link to create account online and possibly pay if they have not already.

Note cards submitted included: trim trees, clothing & shoes drive, drugs in park, no parking at park, repair sidewalks, install tennis backboard at park, pave should along Big Sink, add Woodlands to NA, install no dumping sign at park, park closes at dark

One woman said she’s the neighborhood watch for Pheasant and lives near the park. She is the one who sees kids go into the woods in the fence line. There’s a sister that is younger who is posted as the lookout. She also said people are bringing things up to the park to dump in the wooded area. She’d like a no dumping sign or better yet for the woods to be cut own entirely so they can’t hide. Apparently, there’s a hole cut in the fence that connects two parcels of land and kids are coming through to meet up at the park to do drugs. I was unsure if she meant The Woodlands or what, but she said Lane’s End. I clarified if she meant Lane’s View. She said Lane’s End. Don’t know about that. She said they have a stone bench they sit on. She’s called the police before. She also complained about people blocking driveways when they go to the park.