Lighting at the entrance

Hopefully some of you have noticed the lighting on the sign and stone wall in the evenings or mornings. I’m thrilled with how it looks at night! I’m also biased. We’re not quite finished with the project yet but we have been working on it.

Here’s an photo for anyone who may not have seen it.

In addition to tidying things up a bit we’re interested in your ideas for things to do with the lights. What most of you have not seen at this point is the variety of colors and patterns we can put on the wall. For the tech oriented out there, the LED strips on the wall and sign are individually addressable LEDs being controlled by an Arduino. We can turn any LED any color we want.

Here’s a few examples of lighting the wall various solid colors.

In addition to solid colors we can do simple patterns or animations with colors fading in and out or flowing from one side to another. I don’t expect to do much of that. More realistically, we could light the wall holiday colors on various holidays, or perhaps Yellow Jacket colors on game nights.

We’re interested in hearing your opinions on the lights and any ideas you have for them. Thanks!


The lit sign is absolutely wonderful, Jeff. Once again, you have outdone yourself. I love the idea of putting up colors on game nights, fall colors as the Halloween season approaches, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. how much fun!!!

The lighting for entrance looks fantastic and professional. Accentuates the wall really well and is inviting to our neighborhood.

Great things can happen when we work together.

Like the idea of holiday colors!

In remembrance of 9/11

This looks fantastic! Holiday lightening is a great idea!