Lanes End Farm and Stonegate Park Viewshed


Last year Parks and Rec removed brush between Stonegate park and Lanes End Farm. This is the area along the top of the old railroad bed.

Your neighborhood association is seeking volunteers for Saturday from 1-4 for removing more brush along the fence row so visitors to the park can enjoy the view of Lanes End farm and sunsets.

Parks said they will take away the brush. They do need a consent release for any helpers. Will have hard copies to sign. Here is the parks link for volunteering:
Volunteer – Versailles – Woodford Parks Rec (

Here is a PDF of Parks Volunteer form:
VWCPRD Volunteer Waiver and Release (1).pdf (89.0 KB)
Hardcopies will also be available onsite.

An RSVP is provided with this notification. Feel free to reply to this post as well.

Looking forward to seeing everyone to make a difference in our park.

Thanks for considering.

Sorry, we have our granddaughter this weekend. Post to our FB group. It might be more helpful.

The view is truly stunning! We can tell you because we live by the park and enjoy it every night!!


Getting an earlier start today. Going to get warmer later.

Welcome to come any time.


Special thanks to Mike Roscoe, Jeff Richards, and Brad Eldridge for volunteering last Saturday to clear brush in the old railroad bed in Stonegate Park. Was intense work for several hours. Hopefully everyone will enjoy the sunsets and view of Lanes End Farm and want to do more to make our park more attractive. :slight_smile:

Here are some after and before pictures!

Thank you all. That looks great.

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WOW! Good job Three Men and a Lot of Work!

Thanks for your hard work on this project. Unfortunately I had to work Saturday. Maybe next time the schedule will allow me to jump in and help. L

Few more pics. Thanks to parks who have offered to remove the brush pile.

thank you

Great job! Thank you.