Landscaping Volunteers for Stonegate Entrance


The beautification group is seeking volunteers this Saturday at 10 am to help with removing the shrubs and spreading topsoil at the entrance into Stonegate. This is an effort to enhance the gateway into our neighborhood and to make room for new landscaping.

Please consider helping and feel free to RSVP to this post. If possible bring a rake and shovel.

Together we can do more to beautify our neighborhood.

Steve and I will be there as long as we last.

Steve and I are coming.

The entrance looks good. Thanks to everybody involved.

Rosemary Johnson

Thank you for the compliment Rosemary! We are still a small active group and are trying really hard.

Mr. Gaffney is supposed to remove the overgrown bushes in front of the stonewall so we can plant their too and add lighting to the entrance. With limited funds our beautification group is hoping to apply for a grant for these additional improvements.