Holiday Decorations Meeting for Entrance


A quick group meeting is scheduled for Monday 7 pm at Sheila’s Hollins home at 441 Quail Run Rd. Will be discussing possible holiday decorations for entrance into subdivision. Feel free to reply to this post with ideas too.


Trying the RSVP feature that Jeff enabled. Those in the beautification group have been asked to respond. Neat tool!
Good way to get a head count, especially if we have a annual cookout and need to know how much food to provide.

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I will be at the beautification meeting. Like I said last night, I like the idea of a live tree. To get the neighborhood involved, let neighbors know when we are putting it up and announce a “Decorate Our Tree” to allow neighbors to add an ornament on top of what other things we come up with.

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Great idea. I hope we can bring these ideas to fruition. They all sound great! Thanks to all involved!