Handout for Meet/Greet and Q/A on Oct 11th 2020


Below is the information we will be handing out at the Meet & Greet October 11th Sunday afternoon from 3-4 at the park in Stonegate.


Meet/Greet and Q/A, October 11th, 2020


The Stonegate/Homestead Neighborhood Association, LLC is organized exclusively for nonprofit and civic purposes, including the promotion of social welfare, common good and general welfare of the Stonegate/Homestead Neighborhoods of Woodford County.

The purpose of the Stonegate/Homestead Neighborhood Association, LLC is to come together to promote civic, recreational, social, health, safety, educational and charitable activities for the common benefit and enjoyment of those who reside in the Stonegate and Homestead subdivisions.

We’re not a Home Owners Association. Membership is optional and we have no authority to enforce the type of restrictions commonly included in a Home Owners Association. We’re a group of volunteers interested in improving the community.

More specifically we seek to stabilize and enhance property values, improve and enhance the appearance of the neighborhood, maintain and improve neighborhood safety, provide a common voice to county officials and others, intensify the sense of community among the residents within the subdivision, and develop and maintain tools for neighborhood communication.

Join the neighborhood association

Support the neighborhood association by becoming a paying member. We’re a group of volunteers interested in helping the neighborhood. Your support makes that possible.

Joining the neighborhood association gives you voting privileges on priorities set by the association. This may include beautification projects for the neighborhood, website development needs, funding events/activities, speaking with a common voice, charitable activities, run for office, chair a committee, electing board members, etc. Membership is set up to help execute the interests of those in the association. One vote per household, whether owner or occupant, is allowed.

Again, thank you for considering membership in the neighborhood association. We volunteer our time but we still need your support for our neighborhood projects. Your dues make it all possible! Thank you!

Possible Interests & Ideas

Please see handout & online poll

Upcoming Events

Saturday October 31st from 5-7, Tent at Entrance for Halloween Candy and Membership

Good job, Brad. Summary is concise and inclusive. Thank you.

Great job, Brad! I ditto what Connie said and add that I hope we have a great turn out. See you Sunday!