Halloween Event and Beautification Meeting at Stonegate Park


After a recent poll there seems to be a lot of interest in beautification. We are holding a short meeting in the Stonegate park this Sunday Oct 18th from 3-4 for planning and seeking volunteers to help with fall decorations at the entrance(s) and for a Trick or Treat event at the park on October 31st. Please join us and looking forward to see you.



Will be there. Hope several people show.


Looking like will still miss our outing today. Will send out an agenda for tomorrow’s board meeting when I get home this evening.

So, it’s cancelled? Your message is unclear. You need to send an @neighbors message to let people know as a follow up to your notice to @neighbors that we were having a meeting.

It’s not raining here, but it’s cool and misty on and off. Not a good day, but not as bad as last week. At least the wind is not blowing, but I have it’s of things to do. I couldn’t stay for the meeting anyway. I was just dropping off decorations.

I believe Brad was indicating he wouldn’t make it, not that it’s cancelled. I’ll be there.

I won’t be there either way. I’ve got three grandkids by myself (Mike working) and one will be down for a nap by that time. I’m getting a little tired of not having my own time to do what I want, but what are you gonna do? I’m sorry, yet again…if you want to kick me off The board, I wouldn’t blame you. I try to do what I can, but I also have to help my kids when I can. I really do need to cut down on the amount of time I’ve given to keeping the kids. Them not being “in school” doesn’t help either.

@neighbors I wanted to clarify that we will be out at 3 today to work through some fall and Halloween plans. Brad was indicating he is unable to make it.


Hi Linda, meant to respond to your email sooner. No worries. We have been meeting a lot lately. This came up at our board meeting last time and we are planning to go back to monthly meetings. We reached our milestone of opening up to members and have near 40! We need you and appreciate your participation when possible. Next meeting is not till next month. Will send out a notification. Hang in there :slight_smile:

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Thanks, Brad. I just feel so badly that I have to miss and haven’t been able to accept as much responsibility as others. I will do what I can when I can. I really love this group!:heart:

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