Dogs Loose in the Neighborhood/Concern

I am concerned about two dogs that occasionally wander into our yard. As an animal lover, I resist contacting Animal Control, but I worry for the dogs’ safety and that of residents, especially children.

The dogs are: a Golden Retriever that is really blonde and appears from a distance to be an older dog, and a mixed breed mid-size dog that is mostly black with some brown and white, and perhaps an older dog. They do not appear to be aggressive. Neither dog has a collar.

The dogs have been running around the Falcon Drive area near Kulhman Drive/Loop and I am fairly certain wandering other places, too. I have been seeing the two dogs on and off for about 3 weeks. The dogs seem to enjoy leaving me gifts that I really don’t want. They also enjoy crashing through all of my flower gardens, which is a large number and a lot of flowers that get flattened or broken. They recently came upon me by surprise. It did scare me for a moment as I’ve been bitten by both cats and dogs. I don’t like shots.

I want to give the owners the benefit of doubt because I am perfectly aware that fence gates get left open and dogs can be escape artists. However, the safety of the dogs and the residents does worry me. There are 2 very small children in the house behind me (no fence from yard to yard). Do not assume that people don’t leave out poisonous things - on purpose or by accident. As I said, I have a lot of flowers. I don’t think I have planted anything poisonous, but I really don’t want to be responsible for an animal’s death if they get into something, including pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizer, if not plants.

If you are the owner of these two dogs or know the owner, please ensure the two dogs are kept within your/their yard. If I continue to see the dogs running loose, I will find myself making a decision to call Animal Control, and that makes me ill.

Thank you.