Decorating Entrance to Subdivision


Thank you for taking the recent poll on Areas of Interests & Ideas.

Those in this group notification expressed interest in Beautification.

We are planning a quick meeting to discuss decorating the entrance to the subdivision. The meeting is at Sheila Hollin’s home 441 Quail Run Monday night from 7-8 pm.

We look forward to meeting each of you and sharing ideas. Please reply to this message if you plan to attend so we can have a head count. Thank you!

Please remember to where masks



Please reply if you plan to attend this meeting. Still trying to get a head count.

Thank you!

I am a maybe. Most likely, yes. Best I can do right now.

The meeting to discuss decorating the entrance to the subdivision has been postponed for a few weeks

I new date and time will be given later and the decorating will focus on Christmas.

Connie, just in case you did not see. Decorating meeting has been postponed. Just heard from you and Sheila. Will get one rescheduled to focus on Christmas decorations.