December 5 2022 Board Meeting Agenda


SHNA Board Meeting
Date: December 5, 2022
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Woodford Public Library Community Room
Board members
Brad Eldridge, President | Lonnie Leland, Vice President | Connie Davis, Secretary | Sheila Hollin, Treasurer | Linda Roscoe | Jerry Mueller | Jeff Richards | Steve Davis


6:30 Introduction with Visitors

Old Business

-6:40 Summary of Last Meeting Minutes, Discussion, & Approval

-6:50 Treasurer’s Summary and New Membership-collected dues/donations & expenditures since last meeting. Total balance.

-7:05 Follow-up to mailings for 2023 membership

-7:20 Beautification, Event, Project and Care Group Updates

New Business

-7:35 Discuss of formation of communications team. Please see link for draft
Members - communications - Stonegate Homestead Woodlands (

-7:50 Concern about flags from Veteran. Here is a quick link about flags which is also posted under resources on our website:
Flag Advocacy | The American Legion

Next Meeting & Draft Agenda

-Election of Officers

-Next Steps. Planning for 2023.

Adjourn 8:00