CONA Grant Application Guidelines

Council of Neighborhood Associations: Woodford County KY

Grant Application Guidelines


The purpose of the Council of Neighborhood Associations Woodford County grant program is to:

  • Encourage and support the work of neighborhood-based groups and organizations trying to preserve and/or improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods;
  • Promote resident participation and leadership in neighborhood-based groups/organizations;
  • Invest in and build on the existing strengths and assets of Woodford County’s neighborhoods; and
  • Promote civic pride in our community.


To be eligible for funding, an applicant must:

  • Be a neighborhood or neighborhood-based organization (e.g., neighborhood associations, homeowners associations, tenant associations, neighborhood watch groups) located within Woodford County. In addition, start-up groups may apply. A start-up group is defined as a group of individuals from five or more unrelated households who wish to launch a resident-led, resident-controlled neighborhood organization within a neighborhood that currently has no active organization.
  • Be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, not-for-profit agency and/or an organized group carrying out a charitable purpose for the common good (e.g., neighborhood organizations) or, have a fiscal sponsor that meets this requirement;
  • Have a minimum of three active leaders (e.g., President, Treasurer, Secretary, etc.) (The names and contact information for at least three individuals (three

separate households) must accompany the application.

  • Have an established process to manage grant funds, including a current checking account in the name of the organization/group. If applying with a fiscal sponsor you may not need a checking account depending on how your Fiscal Sponsor handles your receipts and invoices. It is not necessary to possess a checking account at the time you submit a grant application.
  • Be operated and organized so that there is no discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, veteran’s status, disability, or any other factor prohibited by applicable law.
  • Have a plan to implement a project that will benefit residents of a defined geographic area; and
  • Have the capacity to complete the proposed project within 8 months.
  • Funds awarded must be matched on a dollar-for-dollar basis by the total value of volunteer labor, donated goods and services, and any non-NSGP cash income dedicated to the funded project. Volunteer labor can be calculated at $15 per hour. Neighborhood groups are strongly encouraged to maintain a log of volunteer hours in order to keep track of your time investment, and this log can be submitted along with your project completion report. All of the match can be in the form of volunteer labor.

What are we interested in funding?

The Council of Neighborhood Associations Woodford County looks for projects that:

  • Are generated, led, and executed by residents of the neighborhood to the extent possible; and
  • Build on the assets existing in the neighborhood, including using the skills of residents, involving youth, or working with an existing neighborhood group.

How Funds Can Be Used

Here are examples of items that funds can be used for:

  • Supplies, materials
  • Equipment that will be used again or that can be shared with other groups
  • Printing and copying
  • Postage (can include postage for first issue of a start-up or revived newsletter)
  • Disaster preparedness items deployed for the benefit of the entire neighborhood
  • Consultant fees
  • Permit fees
  • Equipment rental
  • Food and non-alcoholic drinks (in cases where potlucks and neighbor donations
  • are not feasible)

What we won’t fund

Grants will not be made for the following:

  • Landscaping private property
  • Refreshments for regularly scheduled neighborhood meetings
  • Entertainment
  • Projects and programs that promote a religion or require participation in a religious activity as a condition for receiving services. However, grants may be made to faith-based organizations for other purposes.
  • Purchases or activities that occur prior to grant decisions.

Sharing your project

Funded groups will be required to document your project with photos, videos, and narrative so that it can be posted on the CONA website for the benefit of other neighborhoods.

Project leaders may be invited to participate in future presentations to other Neighborhood Associations.

Neighborhood groups should notify CONA and Voices of Versailles whenever a funded activity or event is taking place, so that this event can be covered in the media. This is also so that we may attend to support your neighborhood and document your event with photos as well.

Judging criteria

When evaluating proposals, CONA will be looking to fund proposals that possess these characteristics:

  • The proposed project emerges from and addresses the unique needs and opportunities of the neighborhood and/or the neighborhood organization.

  • The project benefits the neighborhood as a whole.

In addition, a strong application will propose a project that:

  • Is realistic and doable within the organization’s capacity (ability).
  • Has a well-defined scope and measurable goals.
  • Is highly creative.
  • Presents a well-thought-out and realistic budget.
  • Includes a detailed Project Work Plan and Timeline (who is going to do what


  • Draws heavily on the skills, knowledge, and labor of neighborhood residents.
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Thank you Linda for providing this link. Looks like Lori with CONA is the contact as well.

Wooddford County Chamber Of Commerce

4h**** ·

The Woodford County Community Fund seeks grant applications for innovative projects or programs that contribute to enhancing diverse components of the quality of life in our community. Successful proposals will demonstrate sustainable impact and measurable outcomes. Grant awards will be up to $2,500 depending on the availability of funds.

While grant applications covering any topic will be considered, areas of interest highlighted from the 2021 community survey are:

• Innovative projects in the small communities in Woodford County;

• Expansion of the diversity of recreational facilities and programs in community parks;

• Increased access and connectivity through walking and biking trails; and,

• Teen focused entertainment choices.

For more information contact Lori Garkovich, chair of the WCCF at

More information will be available soon at


Neighborhood/Homeowners Association Name:

Mailing Address

Street or PO Box:

City: State: Zip:

Contact Name:

Phone Number:

Email Address:

Amount Requested:


In a maximum of three paragraphs, please include a description of your project. Be sure that the information you provide addresses following questions.

· Project Title.

· A description of the project for which you are requesting funding and explain how it addresses a neighborhood issue.

· Explain how the proposed project will have a lasting impact on your neighborhood and, if appropriate, be sustainable beyond an initial investment made by CONA. This is especially significant if your grant project will involve plantings that will require on-going maintenance.

· The timeline for the proposed project.

Jeff, email me a link to another grant that was mentioned in Woodford Sun

Versailles council establishes neighborhood ,grant program (