Clearing Along the Old Railroad Bed at the Park in Stonegate



Please walk on over to the park and take a peek at what has been happening! The fence line has slowly, but surely, been getting cleared of debris, vines, trees, roots, etc. it’s looking beautiful!!!

Where do you come in?
We have an end of season workday November 12 at 10:00 A.M. You can come and help with however much time you have to give. Maybe all you have is 15 minutes, we’ll take it.

Bring whatever equipment you might have to be helpful with the work. If you have none, bring your gloves and yourself and c’mon over!!!

Rich Pictor, Director of Parks, is providing a trailer for the brush.

Thanks and hope to see you there!!!

VWCPRD Volunteer Waiver and Release (1).pdf (89.0 KB)


This is friendly reminder that we are still looking for volunteers this Saturday to clear more of the old railroad bed in the park in Stonegate. Much has been done and with just a little more we can see even more of Lane’s End farm and the sunsets. With community effort projects like these can become a reality and enjoyed by all.

Hope to see you.

I will be there Brad, just can’t stay past about noon because I have a gala that evening. I can also with the flags


We are delaying the clearing in the park about 2 hours due to rain.

Will soon have before and after pictures!