Board Meeting Agenda January 3 2022


Next board meeting is scheduled for January 3rd 6:30 pm at Sheila’s.

Primary topic is to set up and assign tasks for the association meeting tentatively scheduled for January 24th. Was possibly going use church as venue.

Here is draft of Calendar of Events for 2022. Very similar to handout from last meeting.
2022 Calendar of Events & Projects.pdf (180.1 KB)

Also here is link to last board meeting minutes:
[December 2, 2021, Board Meeting Minutes](file:///C:/Users/Bradley/Downloads/December%202%202021%20Board%20Meeting%20Minutes.pdf)

Am not sure of my availability. My dad is having surgery in the immediate future. Will know more today.


It has been requested to postpone meeting.

Am perfectly fine with that and leave it up to the board to decide.

Still am not sure of my availability. Typically, our meetings require action which is great and this one would be no exception in preparing for the in person meeting with members.

Postponing both meetings may allow more time for the status on COVID as well.

Just some quick considerations.

I say postpone the meeting until you have taken care of your personal situation. I think a group meeting during another bad outbreak of COVID (later this month) is probably a bad idea unless a miracle happens.

I’m fine with postponing meeting.

I talked to Lonnie Leland. He wants to cancel the meeting until you are available to lead.

I have not seen any response to your email regarding the Monday night meeting. Has anyone responded?

I think we should have the meeting .

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Hi Brad. Thanks so much for the information, although I am sorry to hear that your dad is going to have to have surgery. In addition, I have read all of the responses about postponing the upcoming scheduled meeting. I am kind of on the other side of the street with going forward with the meeting. I believe that we should have the meeting as scheduled at 6:30 on January 3 at Sheila’s. I believe everybody else is available on that evening, except for the possibility of you not being there because of your dad‘s possible surgery, however everyone else could be in attendance. I may be wrong about that, but I will have to see what your responses are to my message. Also, my husband, Mike, has agreed to sit on the board. I don’t know if everyone will be agreeable to this, but it has been discussed in the past that we may need another person to be on the board in the event one of our board members may want to step off. It is just something he is willing to do in that event. So I would need a thumbs up, or thumbs down from fellow board members. I don’t believe we will have a problem with going forward with the meeting because we have plenty of people to step in and take over in your absence. I want you to always feel confident that if you are gone, our present members can step in at any time and conduct a meeting and let you know what has happened and what has been discussed or approved. I believe that everyone on the board is more than capable of leading a meeting. I hope that all members will respond to my message and have a final decision on whether or not the meeting will be held as planned. I believe it is vitally important as we go into the New Year to keep our momentum going.

We need to get plans developed for our membership meeting. Let’s take one step at a time. If Brad is not able to attend then someone else can conduct the meeting. Rescheduling meeting can be difficult.


Monday nights board meeting is cancelled. Will reschedule in a few weeks.


Sorry. Just saw responses to having meeting.

Will leave meeting notification up so who wants to meet can.

Glad there is interest to continue to move forward.

I think I am confused. What is the purpose of canceling? Is everyone in favor of doing this? Am I the only one who wants to go forward, or is no one reading these messages? Help, please.


Sorry for late reply and not reading all the responses.

Glad there is interest to move forward.

Will keep the meeting as scheduled and posted on the website.

Then Steve and I will be there. I left Lonnie a message that the meeting is back on. As many as possible should show up. I don’t want to lead this if Brad is not present, so somebody else will have to take charge, which is why I said cancel in the first place.