Board Meeting Agenda for Thursday November 11 2021 at 7 pm

SHNA Board Meeting
Date: November 11, 2021
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Sheila’s
Board members
Brad Eldridge, President | Lonnie Leland, Vice President | Connie Davis, Secretary | Sheila Hollin, Treasurer | Linda Roscoe | Jerry Mueller | Jeff Richards | Steve Davis


7:00 Introduction

Old Business

7:05 Treasurer’s Summary and new membership

-Collected dues/donations & expenditures since last meeting. Total balance.

7:20 Results from Stonegate Social, Halloween, and planting tree in Kuhlman loop.

New Business

7:45 Brainstorm on how do we get participation from our nearly 40 members? Some ideas are personal home visit with questionnaire (include renewing memberships) and/or group meeting at venue like church. Feel free to bring other ideas to discuss.

Other Business

Next Meeting

8:20 by Brad

Adjourn 8:30


Due to conflicts, next board meeting is being rescheduled to Tuesday November 9th 7 pm at Sheila’s.

Please let me know if this does not work for everybody. Will be happy to reschedule.


I can’t stay past 8:15 that night. I thought we were moving the start time to 6:30. Somebody will have to record minutes once I leave.

Sorry, that that was only for Monday night. Had moved meeting to Tuesday.

Can still try to move to 6:30 if that helps. Can also try to finish early!

I’m good for Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Didn’t noticed the date change. Sorry.


Next week’s board meeting has been rescheduled to Thursday starting at 7pm

I will attend.

Steve and I will be there.