Board Meeting Agenda for July 5 2021

SHNA Board Meeting
Date: July 5, 2021
Time: 7 PM
Location: Park in Stonegate (Sheila’s if raining)
Board members
Brad Eldridge, President | Lonnie Leland, Vice President | Connie Davis, Secretary | Sheila Hollin, Treasurer | Linda Roscoe | Jerry Mueller | Jeff Richards | Steve Davis

Old Business

  1. Treasurer’s Report and New Membership (Sheila Hollin)
    Total bank balance as of 7/5/2021: $ plus $5.00 in savings
    Income: $ Expenses: $ Balance: $
  2. Movie Event Follow Up
    Other Movie Plans
  3. Update by Beautification Group
    Current Status of Improvements
    Other Improvements
    Budget Issues vs. Commitment to Property Owner
    Budget Issues in General to Continue Beautification
  4. Grant Applications:
    CONA $250, CONA $2,500 Due September 1
    Who Will be in Charge of Writing Grants and Meet Deadlines
    New Business or Ongoing Business
  5. Meet & Greet in the Park
    Advertising Plans
    Advertising Committee*
    Budgeting/Paying for Advertising*
    Food (Entrees, Sides, Desserts, Drinks)*
    How to Decide Who is Going to Take on Various Responsibilities*
    Suggest Events for the Meet & Greet*
    Other Business
    Next Board Meeting (Brad Eldridge)
    Adjourn 8:00

Please click check if “going” and notify if cannot make this date.

Even though this has been our regular monthly meeting day, was not sure if this date was good for everyone.

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Wanted to make sure everyone got this. Can check “going” if planning to attend.

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Hi all…I will be unable to attend this meeting. See you tonight, though.

No worries Linda. Will keep you posted.

See you tonight!

Plan to attend tonight. Are we meeting at the park?


Friendly reminder of 7 pm meeting at the park tonight.

Thank you Connie for providing the detailed agenda! Matches the format of your meeting minutes too :slight_smile:

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Sorry, I’m not able to attend tonight. I have another appointment. Let me know when you plan to pick up flags.

Please let me know what you discuss tonight. I’m thinking about you as we leave Yale and head to NYC. Have fun, ya’ll!:heart: