Board Meeting Agenda for December 2 2021


As a continuation of our last board meeting, thought we would concentrate on setting our goals for 2022 and then personally engaging our association members for the new year. Also, please bring ideas on how to engage our members. See agenda and attached draft of events embedded in the agenda below.

SHNA Board Meeting
Date: December 2, 2021
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: Sheila’s
Board members
Brad Eldridge, President | Lonnie Leland, Vice President | Connie Davis, Secretary | Sheila Hollin, Treasurer | Linda Roscoe | Jerry Mueller | Jeff Richards | Steve Davis


6:30 Introduction

Old Business

6:35 Treasurer’s Summary and new membership

-Collected dues/donations & expenditures since last meeting. Total balance.

6:45 Reconciling membership for 2022, verifying contact information, signing up 19 association members to website.

New Business

7:10 Host in person meeting for association members in January or February. Provide introductions, history, websites, goals and calendar of events for 2022, generate groups/teams for events & projects.

Draft 2022 Goals and Calendar of Events.pdf (178.8 KB)

Other Business

Next Meeting

7:55 by Brad

Adjourn 8:00