Board Meeting Agenda for August 9th 2021



SHNA Board Meeting
Date: August 9, 2021
Time: 7 PM
Location: Sheila’s
Board members
Brad Eldridge, President | Lonnie Leland, Vice President | Connie Davis, Secretary | Sheila Hollin, Treasurer | Linda Roscoe | Jerry Mueller | Jeff Richards | Steve Davis


7:00 Introduction

Old Business

7:05 Treasurer’s Summary and new membership

-Collected dues/donations & expenditures since last meeting. Total balance.

7:15 Follow up to Beatification Group’s entrance project and next projects-lighting, grant, Kuhlman Loop, etc.

New Business

7:40 Volunteers for clearing park and along Big Sink

7:50 Ideas for next neighborhood event-time and place

8:00 Ideas for membership drive/neighborhood gathering and next year’s dues

Other Business

Next Meeting

8:15 by Brad

Adjourn 8:30


Due to scheduling conflict, pushing the next board meeting to Monday August 9th. Still at 7 pm.

Please see RVSP (Going).


Board meeting tonight will be at Sheila’s.

See you soon! :grinning: