Beautification Group Organizational Meeting


For those interested in beautifying the neighborhood, this is a friendly reminder of the beautification meeting this evening at 6pm in Stonegate park.

Feel free to post or reply.



:honeybee:The beautification committee
will meet on March 31, 2022 at the pavilion in Stonegate Park at 6:00 p.m.

This is an organizational meeting for all those who are willing to help and share ideas.

Can reply and/or RSVP to this message.

Please come and join in the fun!

Also, like us on Facebook Stonegate-Homestead group.

i am interested but cannot attend this meeting
Let me know what I can do to help out

Will do Catherine. I also cannot make this one however there is strong interest with this group.

Some ideas have been:
-More annual and perennial plantings in neighborhood like at entrances, Kuhlman loop, and Woodland’s loop(s), etc.
-Pollinator habitat and landscaping in park
-More decorations for holidays

Looking for group to add ideas too.

Thank you for your interest and will keep you posted.