Accomplishments & Future Efforts


AS OF OCTOBER 20, 2021

Below are some efforts of your neighborhood association. Your dues help make these happen. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.


Elected a Board of Directors

Worked with Council of Neighborhood

Associations (CONA-WC) to Create By-Laws & Articles of Organization

Filed Articles of Organization with Kentucky’s Secretary of State

Created Logo/Branding

Became member of CONA & Received $250 Grant

Flags Placed for Memorial Day, 4th of July,

Labor Day, Election Day, & Veteran’s Day

Created a Unique Website for Communicating

Placed Stonegate Sign at Entrance

Decorated Entrance for Fall

Held Membership Drive at Entrance

SHNA Featured in Woodford Sun

Meet & Greet at Stonegate Park, Oct. 11, 2020

Held Halloween Event at Park (2020-2021)

Decorated Entrance for Holidays (Including Lights)

Installed an Adult Lending Library in Stonegate Park

Expansion of Boundary for Neighborhood Association

Worked with County Parks Department to Clean Wooded Area in Park & Add Disc Golf & Mulch to Playground

Contacted County to Remove Dead Tree in Kulhman Loop

Neighborhood Yard Sale, May 14-15, 2021

Movie Event at the Park, June 26, 2021

Lighting the Entrance

Landscaped the Entrance

Received $250 Grant from CONA, Sept. 2021

Endorsed TAP Grant for Ped/Bike Path Along Big Sink (a County Project)

Applied for $2500 Grant Aug. 31, 2021 for Landscaping Kuhlman Loop

Held Tent Membership Drive at Entrance, Sept. 25, 2021

Story Time at Stonegate Park (Multiple Dates)

Stonegate Social Event in the Park with

Children Activities (Oct. 2021)

Future Ideas & Efforts

Finalize Facebook Website (in Process)

Encourage Cleaning RR Bed (Stonegate Park)

Place Flags for Labor Day, Election Day(s), & Veteran’s Day

Neighborhood Social to Meet & Greet at Stonegate Park (Possible Cookout)

Support Shared Use Path Along Big Sink Road

Entrance Decorations

Support Rails to Trails Effort

Information Box at Entrance for News for Residents

Park Improvements, such as: Improve Tennis Court, Butterfly Pollinator Habitat, & Landscaping

Grants for Sidewalks

Easter Egg Hunt

Bear Hunt

Rock Hunt

Children’s Relay

Adult Neighborhood Marathon for Runners

Soap Box Derby

Neighborhood Clean-Up Day (Spring & Fall)

Create a Walking, Biking, and Running Group for the Neighborhood

Storytime at the Park & Activities for Children

New Residents Welcome Package

Plantings in Kuhlman Loop Spring 2022 (Dependent on Funding)

Possible Ped/Bike Path Connection from Kuhlman Drive Along Soccer Fields to Lanes View Subdivision by Water Tower

Reconditioning Homestead Entrance Signs & Lighting

Create Interest Groups for Members to Become Involved in the Neighborhood Association


Thank you for the info, Mr. President! Very informative and certainly shows all the progress!


Thank you Connie for updating our Accomplishments & Future Efforts!

This helps to show what we have done as an organization and how people can get involved. Can also help to generate more ideas from our neighbors.

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Below is a general list of efforts of your neighborhood association. Your dues help make these happen.



Elected a Board of Directors

Collaborated with Council of Neighborhood

Associations (CONA-WC) to Create By-Laws & Articles of Organization

Filed Articles of Organization with Kentucky’s Secretary of State

Created Logo/Branding

Became Member of CONA & Received $250 Grant*

Flags Placed for Memorial Day, 4th of July,

Labor Day, Election Day, & Veteran’s Day

Created a Unique Website for Communicating

Placed Stonegate Sign at Entrance

Held Membership Drive at Entrance

SHNA Featured in Woodford Sun

Meet & Greet at Stonegate Park (Oct. 11, 2020)

Halloween Event at Park (2020-2021)

Decorated Entrance for Seasons & Holidays

Installed an Adult Lending Library in the Park

Expansion of Boundary for Neighborhood Association

Worked with County Parks Department to Clean

Wooded Area in Park & Add Disc Golf

& Mulch to Playground

Cleared a Section of Wooded Area in Stonegate Park with SHNA Volunteers (2022)

Contacted County to Remove Dead Tree

in Kulhman Loop (2021)
Neighborhood Yard Sale (2021 & 2022)

Movie Event at the Park (June 26, 2021)

Custom Lighting for the Entrance & Christmas Tree

Landscaped the Entrance (2021 & 2022)

Received $250 Grant from CONA (Sept. 2021)

Endorsed TAP Grant for Ped/Bike Path Along Big Sink

Applied for $2500 Grant (Aug. 31, 2021)

for Landscaping Kuhlman Loop

Held Membership Drive at Entrance (Sept. 25, 2021)

Story Time at Stonegate Park (Multiple Dates)

Stonegate Social Events in the Park with

Children Activities (2021 & 2022)

Bought/Planted a Tree for Kulhman Loop (2021)

Held Easter Egg Hunt in the Park (2022)

Wrote a Proposal for Park Improvements to County Judge Executive (2022)

Launched a Facebook Group (2022)

Connected SHNA to NextDoor (2022)

Held Picnic in the Park with Band and Children’s Activities (2022)

Decorated and Held a Dedication & Lighting Ceremony for Memorial Tree in Kulhman Loop (2021)*

New Residents Welcome Package

Follow Up Package to Former Members and Facebook Members of SHNA

Reconditioned Homestead Entrance Signs

Organized an Official Events Team

Future Ideas & Efforts

Hold Cleaning RR Bed/Wooded Area Events (Stonegate Park)

Place Flags for Labor Day, Election Day(s), &

Veteran’s Day

Purchase New American Flags

Annual Meeting of the Membership and Cookout at the Park

Support Shared Use Path Along Big Sink Road

Entrance Decorations (Ongoing)

Support Rails to Trails Effort

Information Box at Entrance for News for Residents

Park Improvements (Improve/Convert Tennis Court, Create a Butterfly Pollinator Habitat, Landscaping; Revitalize Playground with New Equipment and Request Expansion of Area (in Discussion with Parks & Recreation and County Officials)

Grants for Sidewalk Improvements/Replacement

Easter Egg Hunt (Each Year)

Bear Hunt/Rock Hunt


Relay and Soap Box Derby

Adult Neighborhood Marathon for Runners

Neighborhood Clean-Up Day (Spring & Fall)

Create a Walking, Biking, and Running Group

Create a Book Club, Crafting Group, Plant & Landscaping Group, Pottery Group, Computer Technology Group, Radio Operating Group, Antique Car or Show Car Group, Woodworking Group, and more.

Plantings and Décor in Kuhlman Loop

Research & Make Government Connections for Ped/Bike Path Connection from Kuhlman Drive Along Soccer Fields to Lanes View Subdivision by Water Tower

Recondition Homestead Entrance Signs & Add Lighting (in Process)

Recondition The Woodlands Signs & Add Lighting

Create Interest Groups for Members to Become Involved in the Neighborhood Association (in Process):

Beautification (Ongoing)

Events/Activities (Ongoing)

Grants (Ongoing)

Care & Service (Need volunteers)

Cheer/Welcome (Ongoing)

Education (Expand to Adult Topics)

Website/Communications (Ongoing)

Grow Events Committee to Include All-Year Activities

We are still thinking…

  • Story Published by The Woodford Sun